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5 juny 2018 |
Sexual dimorphism of sonic apparatus and extreme intersexual variation of sounds in Ophidion rochei (Ophidiidae): first evidence of a tight relationship between morphology and sound characteristics in Ophidiidae |
Kéver, Loïc
; Boyle, Kelly S.
; Dragičević, Branko
; Dulčić, Jakov
; Casadevall, Margarida
; Parmentier, Eric
setembre 2016 |
Uso del sujeto explícito, nominativo y preverbal en las construcciones de infinitivo |
Cros Alberto, Helena
Uso del sujeto explícito, nominativo y preverbal en las construcciones de infinitivo |
Cros Alberto, Helena
Vegetative, reproductive and molecular characterization of gloiocladia microspora (Faucheaceae, Rhodophyta) |
Sánchez, Noemí
; Freshwater, D. Wilson
; Rodríguez Prieto, Concepció
2010 |
Vegetative, reproductive and molecular characterization of gloiocladia microspora (Faucheaceae, Rhodophyta) |
Sánchez, Noemí
; Freshwater, D. Wilson
; Rodríguez Prieto, Concepció
Vegetative and reproductive morphology of Gloiocladia repens (C. Agardh) Sánchez et Rodríguez-Prieto comb. nov. (Rhodymeniales, Rhodophyta), with a taxonomic re-assessment of the genera Fauchea and Gloiocladia |
Sánchez, Noemí
; Rodríguez Prieto, Concepció
; Freshwater, D. Wilson
; Sánchez, Noemí
2007 |
Vegetative and reproductive morphology of Gloiocladia repens (C. Agardh) Sánchez et Rodríguez-Prieto comb. nov. (Rhodymeniales, Rhodophyta), with a taxonomic re-assessment of the genera Fauchea and Gloiocladia |
Sánchez, Noemí
; Rodríguez Prieto, Concepció
; Freshwater, D. Wilson
; Sánchez, Noemí